Our New Year’s Resolutions!

WE’D LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to wish EACH of you a Happy New Year!

Here at Dr. Michael Bell DDS, we’re excited for the new year, and we wanted to take a moment to share our new year’s resolutions with you. And, we’d love to hear YOUR resolutions too!

Here Are Some Of OUR Resolutions:


Mine is for my family to all get together once a month for a meal and visiting. Have fun and enjoy life!


My resolution is to not make a New Year’s resolution. However I do want to live healthier this year; eat better, exercise more, and laugh a lot!


To learn to say, “I appreciate you asking me but I just can’t do it right now”


To eat better, exercise more, and not sweat the small stuff


To finish remodeling the upstairs of my house!


Save money!

Dr. Bell

Take better care of my body. Return to my exercise program. Eat wisely. Build and focus on spiritual direction. Keep the balance between all parts of my life!parts of my life!

Now Share YOUR Resolutions With Us!

So, now that you know OUR resolutions, what are YOUR resolutions? Let us know by using the comment area below:

Happy New Year!

Top image by Flickr user Vecree.com used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.